Citizens crowdsourcing presentation for students at the University of Ljubljana

Preliminary conclusions from the European Citizen Action Service ongoing study of citizens crowdsourcing for enhancing democratic engagement in the European Union were presented to the students at the Faculty of social sciences at the University of Ljubljana as a follow up to the international EUCROWD conference.

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Report from EUCROWD event in Ljubljana

The first EUCROWD public event took place in Ljubljana on 26 October 2016. The international conference “How can citizen’s crowdsourcing foster democracy in Europe?” brought together 43 citizens from 10 different countries. Event focused on discussing, sharing experiences and exploring possibilities for creating an on-line platform for citizens crowdsourcing on the future of Europe.

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EUCROWD project kick-off meeting

EUCROWD-Kick-off meeting

Photo: Alexandros Tzoumas

The first meeting of the EUCROWD project took place in Ljubljana on 25 October. The aim of the kick-off meeting was to introduce project partners and to confirm a common understanding of project objectives and activities. For that purpose, partners discussed framework for the EU citizens crowdsourcing pilot, methodology for implementing national events and deliverables for the on-line knowledge centre on Digital Democracy. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to dissemination, administrative and financial aspects of the project.

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European Citizens Crowdsourcing project

Institute for Electronic participation (INePA) is pleased to announce the launch of the European Citizens Crowdsourcing (EUCROWD) project. The project aims to raise awareness of the possibilities and to develop the skills at national and European level for using innovative channels of e-participation of citizens in politics and policy with a focus on the application of crowdsourcing in fostering a democratic debate on the future of the European Union. More about the project.

The project “European Citizens Crowdsourcing – EUCROWD” has been funded with the support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union.

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