Institute for Electronic Participation presentation

Contributing to development of democratic and inclusive digital society.


About, Contact, Personnel, EU funded projects, International partnerships, National projects, Bibliography, Administrative data, Recognitions, Updates, Media

About us

Institute for Electronic Participation (INePA) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 2007. Institute is professionally oriented on digital democracy research & development and information society policy advocacy.

INePA digital democracy research & development is focusing on grassroots e-democracy, citizens on-line participation, digital citizenship, electronic government and open governance. Activities include research, analysis, consultation, evaluation, lectures, piloting, localisation, on-line facilitation, target groups involvement, events organization, dissemination and project management. Primary goal of institute’s digital democracy activities is development of democracy with socially innovative use of Internet by citizens, civil society, institutions and decision-makers (more info).

INePA information society policy activities are oriented on advocacy and networking of NGOs in the area of digital skills and literacy, digital inclusion, digital transformation of the civil society sector, open software, internet governance and open data. INePA is an advocacy coordinator at the Network of NGOs for an inclusive information society in Slovenia (NVO-VID). The network is addressing public policies in the field of digital transformation and societal aspects of digitalisation (more info).

Institute for electronic participation is non-governmental organisation with granted public interest NGO status in the field of information society development (reference in SI).

INePA membership include European Citizens Action Service (ECAS), Pan European eParticipation Network (PEP-NET) and Central and Eastern European Citizens Network (CEE CN).

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Mobile phone number: +386 41 365 529


Executive director
Simon Delakorda, M.Sc. Political Science, CV, Europass, (

Supervisory Board
Primož Šporar, M.Sc. Legal Science, representative of the interested public & services users
Simon Delakorda, M.Sc. Political Science, representative of the employees
Vita Habjan, M.Sc. Legal Science, representative of the Founder

Expert Council
Tanja Oblak Črnič, PhD (professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana)
Polona Pičman Štefančič, PhD (Rea IT Research Centre)
Tomi Ilijaš, B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (Arctur Company)

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EU funded projects

Co-creating digital policies in Slovenia (CODIS), European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) EURECA 2023 project, co-funded by the European Union (2023). The project aimed at empowering community of interest (civil society organisations and individuals) in the area of digital transformation in Slovenia, to involve them in the policy-making process shaping digital policies, and to increase their awareness about EU values in the field.

Co-deciding Europe: Civic tech for good governance and active citizenship! (CODE Europe), EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation (2021-2023). INePA is involved as an expertise partner for development of the e-Participation Framework, provision of methodology and ethical standards for social listening, analysis of the results from the Digital Dashboard and overall assessment on the Crowdsourcing pilots and social listening.

Digital Participation Tools for Youth Engagement in Local Governance (project info), Erasmus+ KA2 Programme (2020-2022). INePA is taking part in identification of best practices of digital tools for youth engagement in local governance as well reflecting about key concepts of youth e-participation in decision making processes.

Smart eDemocracy Against Fake News (SMARTeD), Europe for Citizens Programme (2018-2019). INePA was responsible for implementing an international on-line survey targeting experts in the field, local workshops organisation for (disadvantaged) citizens and NGOs, national practices identification and contributing to recommendations for decision-makers.

European Citizens Crowdsourcing (EUCROWD), Europe for Citizens Programme (2016-2018). INePA coordinated project consortium aiming to raise awareness of the possibilities for using crowdsourcing in fostering a democratic debate on the future of the European Union. EUCROWD project gained recognition as the success story of the Europe for Citizens Programme.

Digital Ecosystem for E-Participation linking Youth (DEEP-linking Youth), Erasmus+ Programme (2015-2016). INePA participated as an external evaluator of the project aiming to explore how e-participation can foster young people’s empowerment and active participation in democratic life.

Democratic Ownership and Civic Participation in Europe (DOCPIE), Europe for Citizen Programme (2015). INePA provided external consultation and implementation of on-line survey exploring awareness on European citizenship and European identity.

Puzzled by Policy – Helping you to be part of the EU (Puzzled by Policy), CIP-ICT Policy Support Programme (2011-2013). INePA participated as leading partner of WP4 responsible for coordination of implementation of pilot sites (on-line involvement of target groups and feedback from decision-makers) in Greece, Italy, Hungary and Spain.

Visualising the impact of the legislation by analysing public discussions using statistical means (VIDI), eParticipation, IST programme, FP7 (2009-2010). INePA piloted Slovene use case Citizen’s forum European debates providing a national on-line deliberation space for facilitated public debates and consultations on European policy issues.

Online Participation of Citizens in EP Committee activities (eCommittee), eParticipation, IST Programme, FP7 (2008-2009). INePA supported on-line forum facilitation and target groups involvement from Slovenia resulting in highest number of on-line participants among involved EU countries.

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International partnerships

TechCamp Slovenia – Advocating for a Cybersecure World, U.S. Embassy Ljubljana, (2020-2022). INePA participated as local in-country implementing partner assisting with participants identification, logistics and selection of follow up projects.

Ukraine Public Consultation Program Phase-II, The Consultation Institute (UK), (2021 – on hold). INePA provided expert contribution to the project and associated deliverables relating to evaluation of the program.

Global Citizens’ Dialogue »We, the Internet« (project info), Missions Publiques (2020). The aim of the project was to bring the voice of ordinary citizens into the global discussions on the future of the Internet under the aegis of the United Nations. INePA coordinated implementation of two local online dialogues in Slovenia with 100 participants through the method of guided deliberation and informed consultation.

Time for Women’s rights and Gender Equality in Montenegro (project info), Slovenia’s development cooperation (2014-2016). INePA provided consultation and expert support for implementing on-line consultations.

Youth and Media (project info), Open Society Foundation (2013-2014). Project explored youth media representation and the use, attitudes and needs in relation to the media, the Internet and social networks. The research methods involved interviews, free access to information requests and questionnaires in eleven countries in South-East Europe. INePA implemented the national research in Slovenia involving more than 1.000 youth participants.

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National projects Free and open-source software for the digital inclusion of NGOs and users (project info), Ministry of Public Administration (2021-2022). INePA provided NGOs needs assessment and training for using Free & Open Source Software and services, user support, promotion and coordination of the FOSS policy advocacy activities.

Smart Voice of NGOs (project info), Regional NGO hub for Central Slovenia and ZLHT Regional NGO hub (2015-2019). The aim of the project was to develop the Smart Voice mobile application, which supported the participation of non-governmental organizations and residents in identification of local needs and communicating them to the local municipalities decision-makers. INePA provided an external consultation for communication protocols and public dissemination of the application.

Popularising digital democracy in the city municipalities of Kranj and Velenje (project info), U.S. Embassy Ljubljana NGO Small Grants Program (2017-2018). INePA coordinated the project aiming to promote and advocate digital tools among local residents and governments for the purpose of developing participatory and innovative democracy. Methods used included field research, local workshops and concluding conference at the National Assembly with a key note lecture from internationally recognized e-democracy expert Mr. Steven Clift from USA.

More Europe, more Slovenia (2013-2014, 2016-2017). INePA administered and facilitated on-line consultations, chat rooms and social media profiles for the purpose of exchanging of ideas and presenting proposals from different target groups on Slovenia’s position on the future of EU.

E-participation for an inclusive Europe (project info) (2014). INePA coordinated the project aiming to inform, rise awareness and activate Slovene residents for using internet as a tool of involvement and empowerment in democratic life of the European Union.

The e-participation portal during Slovene EU Council presidency (project info) (2008-2009). INePA developed, administered and facilitated NGO’s e-participation portal aiming at strengthening involvement of the Slovene and European NGOs into decision-making processes before and during the presidency.

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Selected bibliography

Maldžiski, A., Lupi, A., Crescini, E., Henkens, E., Scarafoni, G., Ferreira, M., Nuytemans, M., Pappalardo, S., Delakorda, S. in Mirenzi, V. 2022. Study on digital participation tools for youth engagement in local governance. DYPALL Network.

Delakorda, Simon. 2017. eDemocracy practices in Slovenia: a quest for governance impact through an online deliberation. In eDemocracy and eParticipation: The precious first steps and the way forward, 67-71. Evropean Liberal Forum, Brussels.

Delakorda, Simon. 2017. Electronic public sphere of non-governmental organisations addressing digital society risks. PhD students international conference, 15th September 2017, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana.

Delakorda, Simon. 2014. Electronic Participation and Non-governmental Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe. In eGovernment: Driver or Stumbling Block for European Integration?, eds. Alexander Balthasar, Hendrik Hansen, Balázs Konig, Robert Müller-Török and Johannes Pichler, 409-419. Proceedings of the CEEeGov Days, Budapest, Hungary, May 8-9, 2014. Vienna: Austrian Computer Society 2014. Paper received CEEeGov 2014 Best Paper Award – Case studies and empirical research papers.

Elena Sánchez-Nielsen, Deirdre Lee, Eleni Panopoulou, Simon Delakorda and Gyula Takács. 2014. Engaging Citizens in Policy Issues: Multidimensional Approach, Evidence and Lessons Learned. In Electronic Participation, eds. Efthimios Tambouris, Ann Macintosh in Frank Bannister, 102-113. 6th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference Proceedings (ePart 2014), Dublin, Ireland, September 2-3, 2014. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Delakorda, Simon. 2013. Theoretical approaches to non-governmental organizations as democratic actor of electronic public sphere (PhD Colloquium paper). 5th International conference on eParticipation, 17-19 September 2013 Koblenz, Germany).

Delakorda, Simon and Matej Delakorda. 2009. Contribution to democratization of the EU Council presidency: NGO’s eparticipation portal In Electronic participation: proceedings of ongoing research, general development issues and projects of ePart 2009, eds. Efthimios Tambouris and Ann Macintosh, 147-156. ePart 2009, 1st International conference Linz, Austria, September 1-3, 2009. Linz: Trauner Verlag Universität.

Delakorda, Simon and Matej Delakorda. 2009. E-participation – a new sphere of NGO activity? Civil Society Forum, Bratislava 2009. CEE Trust.

Delakorda, Simon. 2007. Citizens’ forum: the first successful eDemocracy initiative in the Republic of Slovenia? In Expanding the knowledge economy: issues, applications, case studies, eds. Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham, 449-459. Amsterdam: Ios Press.

Delakorda, Simon. 2006. Models of democracy and the design of Slovenian political party websites. In Social informatics: an information society for all? In remembrance of Rob Kling, ed. International Federation for Information Processing, 279-295. Proceedings of the seventh international conference on human choice and computers (HCC7), Maribor, Slovenia, September 21-23, 2006.

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Administrative data


Full legal name: Institute for Electronic Participation (INePA)
Official address: Povšetova ulica 37, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (location)
Telephone number: +386 41 365 529 (mobile)
Registry number: SI2350041000
VAT number: 64376435 (not liable for VAT)
Bank account number: SI56 6100 0001 7608 466
Bank: Delavska hranilnica d.d., Miklošičeva 5, 1000 Ljubljana, BIC/SWIFT: HDELSI22
Legal status: Private institute – non-profit non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Activity code: M72.200 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
Research areas: Digital democracy, eParticipation, eGovernance, Information society, Digital transformation, NGO sector, Active citizenship, European Union.
Date of registration: 21st November 2007
Director: Simon Delakorda, M.Sc. Political Science

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(2014) Central and Eastern European eGov Days Best Paper AwardCase studies and empirical research papers received by mag. Simon Delakorda (INePA.)

(2011) Puzzled by Policy e-participation project aiming at empowering EU citizens in migration policy making received ePractice Editor’s Choice recognition (INePA project partner).

(2009) INePA listed among key actors in eParticipation developments in Europe according to the European eParticipation Study.

(2007) INePA project On-line Citizen’s Forum European Debates aiming at strengthening on-line democracy within institutional setting of the European Parliament received ePractice Editor’s Choice recognition.

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